The history of old time show business is littered with fake titles. "Count" this, "Sir" that. "Colonels" who never made it to Lance Corporal. Indian "Rajahs" who never ventured east of Mile End and more "Professors" in theatrical digs than in any town of dreaming spires. Naturally the hall of mirrors that is the world of professional wrestling has been home to it's fair share of fake Earls and phony Lords but one, Sir Atholl Oakeley, was the genuine article. Oakeley introduced modern professional wrestling to this country in 1930 and went on to become British Heavyweight Champion and one of the leading promoters. His autobiography, Blue Blood On The Mat, mainly concentrates on the authors involvement in the wrestling business but does mention in passing his interest in Lorna Doone and I believe that as a promoter Oakley once had a wrestler billed as Carver Doone. Quite what Sir Atholl Oakely Bart. was doing in the almost exclusively working class world of grunt and groan is a bit of a mystery. When he retired from the mat game he ran sailing holidays on an old Bristol Channel Pilot Cutter and also tours of Doone country; or at least that's what I have heard. I suppose that compared to the duplicity of the wrestling game, convincing people that Lorna Doone was based on fact was money for old rope.
Now I discover that RD Blackmoore wrote his most famous book just ten minutes walk from where I live. Unfortunately there is no overgrown Gothic mansion to explore but just a dull 1920s development with the only link to the past being a Blackmoore Close and a Doone Road.
So a short break in North Devon, a new found interest in Lorna Doone, my long time fascination with wrestling history and a couple of streets of unassuming 1920s semi-detached, have all come together to reafirm once again that most profound of philosophical cogitations - the interconnectedness of all things.
Brilliant! More please!
You'll be going right passed my manor on the m5 junction 21. Tour and beer if you're up for it!
Very interesting chum, I'll think I will order it from the library-just to see if I can read it again, after all these years. Don't forget that a 1950's colour film was made on the location at Exmoor-I think they used the original church in the finale scene, mentioned in the book. Ever an interesting & diverse blog. Mick
Gitane. Lovely idea but we will probably be using M3 A303. email me if you like.
I think the wrestler who worked on Sir Atholl's promotions was called Jack Baltus. Beyond that,the trail seems cold. I'd like to know more about the man. Many thanks for threads like this. Tony Curr
Atholl Oakeley was my Great Uncle, i met him on one memorable weekend when i was 15 and he took us all round Lorna Doone countryside inc Valley of the Witches and the tiny church where she was killed and is buried. Brilliant man, an avid collector of Messerschmitt cars (he had 12 when he passed away), he lived a very simple life, no elegance at all.A wonderful man, a gentleman.
I find it fascinating how seemingly disparate interests can intertwine in unexpected ways.
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