“The society which has abolished every kind of adventure makes its own abolition the only possible adventure.” Paris, May 1968

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Thank you and goodnight.

When I started this blog in July 2008 I had no real idea how long it would run for and beyond giving myself a platform to sound off about various matters that concerned or interested me, no real motive for writing it. Seven years ago capitalism was being seriously called into question by all kinds of people and it seemed, just for a moment, that everything might be up for grabs. Unfortunately the moment passed soon enough even if the very lively student protests of two years later did leave me a little flushed and breathless. Not that The Bad Old Days Will End was ever intended as a serious political blog but rather the random ramblings of one old bloke who claims to be an anarchist and has an interest  in allotments, the history of professional wrestling and the margins, rather than the mainstream, of modern life. But blogwise I'm running out of steam and the project has become a bit of a chore. Time to call it a day I think.  I know that some readers have been with me since the start and I take that as a huge compliment. I wish you all fair winds and good fortune.


Luke said...

Pity you're stopping as I always enjoy your posts. Take care!

Journeymasn said...

I am also think that I am running out of blogging steam myself. Real life takes over sometimes - which can only be a good thing really. Thank you for sharing with us - all the best.

Duncan said...

Bloody hell, that's a shame. I've read this blog regularly over the years but hardly ever commented. May as well say now it was all good stuff and sorry to see it finishing.

teifidancer said...

thank you for all the words you've shared, they have provided much nourishment. All the very best.... regards.

Anonymous said...

this blog has made me laugh and think. good luck with future projects!

Dr Llareggub said...

Sad to see this great blog go. Thanks for putting up with my often stupid comments. You are right - the moment for change has passed. Protest is led by Guardian/BBC writers, and anarchy to day combines old Labour Statism with censorship, no platformism and safe spaces. Please don't leave altogether after thr blog. Much to do. I am a lot older than you and whilst dismayed by the anarchist scene I've just started a new career in animal welfare, New Zealand. There is always something.

Anonymous said...

sorry you wont be blogging no more.all of the best for the future...........stay safe.

Gitanex said...

Thanks for the trip, thoroughly enjoyed meself. Really fond farewell and good luck to you and yours.

Dave said...

Sorry to see this go, I've very much enjoyed reading it. All things must end and thankyou.

TERRY said...

You're are stopping your blog just at a time when we should be campaigning for a sensible and honest government. Do those words go together in the same sentence? Speak to you soon

Hack said...

Sad to see the blog go, but if you feel it's time to regain a bit of the real world then good luck Ray.
You never know, maybe a comeback one day.

Jemmy Hope said...

Sorry to read this, I could read stuff here that I couldn't read elsewhere. Good luck to you, Ray, whatever you get up to.

Jason Toynbee said...

Sad to hear you're packing the blog up Ray - but I know what you mean. It's definitely not worth carrying on when it becomes a chore. Meanwhile la lotta continua ... .

Adhesif said...

All the best Ray, hope you will keep the blog archived and pop back now and again.

ray said...

Just testing.

Anonymous said...

Very nice